Connect to Devices on Remote Test Lab Using RDB in Android Studio
Last year, we released the latest version of Remote Test Lab that supports the new web-based client and provides a user experience comparable with a real device.
Today, we are happy to introduce a new feature, Remote Debug Bridge, that allows application developers to test and debug applications easily by creating an Android Debug Bridge (adb) connection to a real device on the Remote Test Lab in Android Studio.
What is Remote Debug Bridge?
Remote Debug Bridge (RDB) allows developers to use an Android device provided by the Remote Test Lab service in Android Studio.
If you connect RDB with the web-based Remote Test Lab client, you can see our remote devices in the Android Device Manager and can have the same experience as a physical device connected to your host PC.
Reserve Android device on Remote Test Lab
To use a remote device, first go to Remote Test Lab.
Remote Test Lab provides over 1500 different devices, ranging from mobile devices, including the latest foldable models, to the newest smartwatches.
To use an Android device, click “Galaxy Mobile” on Remote Test Lab and then select one of the devices.
For more information on how to use Remote Test Lab, refer back the previous post:
Test Your Apps in Multiple Regions with the New Web-Based Remote Test Lab
Run Remote Debug Bridge application
To run RDB, ADB is also required.
If you have not installed ADB already, you must install it first.
To download the RDB application:
- Launch the Remote Test Lab web-based client and click “Remote Debug Bridge” on the navigation menu.
- Click “Connect” on the menu pop-up.
- The download pop-up is shown if the RDB application is not running on your host PC.
- If you have already downloaded the file, you don’t have to download it again and can move directly to the Connect Remote Device section.If you have already downloaded the file, you don’t have to download it again and can move directly to the Connect Remote Device section. - Click the “Download” link on the pop-up to download the application to your host PC as a ZIP file.
4. Install the RDB application.
The installation procedure differs slightly depending on your operating system:
- Double-click on the downloaded ZIP file to unzip it.
- Click on “rdb.exe” to run the application. You can see a command window running “RDB.”
- Double-Click on the downloaded ZIP file to unzip it.
- Click on “rdb” to run the application. You can see a command window running “rdb.”
- Open a terminal and move to the download directory.
- Unzip the file:
Note :
Do not close the window running the RDB application while you are using the device with Android Studio.
Connect remote device
To connect a remote device to your host PC:
- Click the “Connect” button on the “Remote Debug Bridge” menu pop-up.
The text on the menu pop-up is changed to “Disconnect” when the connection between the device and your host PC is established. - If the web-based client shows an RSA dialog on the screen preview, click the “Allow” button.
Note :
When you connect to a device running Android 4.2.2 or higher, the system shows a dialog asking whether to accept an RSA key that allows debugging through this computer. This security mechanism protects user devices because it ensures that USB debugging and other ADB commands cannot be executed unless you are able to unlock the device and acknowledge the dialog.
Now you are ready to use the device provided by Remote Test Lab.
Use device in Android Studio
When the connection between the device and your host PC is established, Android Studio shows the device name on the running devices list box. The device is also shown on the “Physical” tab on the Device Manager.
Once the device is connected, you can also run adb commands in the command window or terminal.

If you have any feedback about how we can improve our service, send us a Support Request.
The source of the post can be found here.